Johkasou Wastewater Treatment
Johkasou in Japanese language means, purification Tank. Johkasou products are approved by the government of Japan and are extensively deployed across Japan as a part of government policy. As a matter of fact, more than 26% of Sewage in Japan is treated through Johkasou systems. Over 8 million Johkasou are running successfully in Japan and several millions are installed in various other countries.
Japanese Government Manufacturing Certification 
Core Concept of Johkasou
Johkasou system is regulated by the johkasou Act, in which technical standards for its manufacturing, installation, and operation & maintenance including desludging are stipulated. The Act also stipulated a qualification system for johkasou related technicians. In addition, Johkasou act stipulates each johkasou product to pass the performance evaluation test before putting the product in the market. Furthermore, in Japan the sludge generated from johkasou is appropriately treated at night soil treatment facility before used as fertiliser or industrial fuel.
This way Johkasou can play the role of a wastewater treatment facility to become a system that integrates the technology and its management, which is useful for both mankind and environment.
Core Concept of Johkasou is to treat domestic waste water locally and Reuse it locally, which is very appropriate for India in current circumstances.