Sewage Treatment Plant in India | STP Plant | Sewage Treatment Plant in Delhi
Johkasou in Japanese language means, Purification Tank. Johkasou products are domestic wastewater treatment systems or Sewage Treatment Plants.
Daiki Axis Japanese Packaged STP (Johkasou), made in 100% FRP, is a Combination of Aerobic & anaerobic treatment on sewage at single shot, with entire treatment housed in a single FRP capsule.
A ready to install STP delivers performance confirming to the global discharged norms with minimum 50% Energy saving compared to conventional Plants. These products come in a modular construction and can be installed in such manner that open space gets utilised in a better way.
The plant can be installed above or below the ground. The treated water can be further used for gardening, flushing, cooling towers etc. We have models starting from 1 KLD to 50 KLD, modules can be combined to increase the capacities.
Key Point of Treatment : AAA Process.
The A-A-A ( Anaerobic , Aerobic , Anaerobic) Process ensures continuous and simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification process.
Johkasou is capable of meeting the needs for output qualities expected by
the government regulatory bodies or as per the application requirements.
*1 – With PSF Achieve BOD below 10
*2 – AIA & AIM can bring T-N below 10
*3 – AI & AIJ achieve SS below 10 with PSF
Daiki Johkasou Process Description
(1) Separation Box and Sedimentation Chamber: Sedimentation and separation chamber collect domestic waste water. It also has function to separate solid wastes from liquid waste based on their gravity.
(2) Anaerobic Filter Chamber: Waste water then flows into Anaerobic Media contact chamber from sedimentation and separation chamber. It contains organic material which is decomposed by anaerobic microorganism.
(3) Moving Bed Chamber: Anaerobic chamber water flows into moving bed (MBBR) chamber. Organic material contained waste water is decomposed by aerobic microorganism, and becomes simpler product.

(4) Sedimentation Chamber: Sedimentation chamber provides place of settled sludge which is resulted by biological processes in moving bed (MBBR) chamber. Settled sludge will be transferred to sedimentation and separation chamber.
(5) Disinfection Chamber: Disinfectant chamber serves as a place to put chlorine / disinfectant as a sterilization agent pathogenic microorganism in the waste processed before discharged into the environment or sent for further treatment if site conditions desired so.
(6)Inbuilt Circulation Line: Continuous recirculation from 2nd sedimentation chamber to separation and sedimentation chamber with air lift mechanism is adopted. This ensures denitrification process and continuous water flowing inside the system with multiple times treatment.
#Packaged STP
#Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant
#STP Plant
#Sewage Treatment Plant in Delhi
#Sewage Treatment Plant in India
#STP Plant Manufactures
#Sewage Treatment Plant Manufactures in India