Johkasou technology is a wastewater treatment system that was developed in Japan in the 1970s. The term “Johkasou” is short for “joint wastewater treatment system,” and it refers to a type of decentralized wastewater treatment system that is designed to treat and recycle household and industrial wastewater.
Daiki Axis decentralized STPs offers smart treatment and effective utilization of grey water
Pandemics exacerbate the water crisis, increase hygiene awareness, and the households practice hand washing more regularly, increasing household water demand by 20 – 25 per cent. One of the promising steps for water resourcing is greywater treatment.
Grey Water Management – Smarter way for water resilience with Daiki Axis decentralized STP
Grey water is the wastewater generated from kitchen sinks, washbasin and laundry. In India, urban households generate more than 50% of grey water and less than 5% of grey water is recycled.
Daiki Axis Johkasou – Perfect solution for Grey Water management in rural India
Nearly, 65-70% of the total water supply in rural areas is converted to greywater after use. Most rural areas in the country let domestic run-offs of greywater collect in open areas or flow into water bodies. This leads to diseases and pathogens breeding.
Give a smart treatment to grey water with Daiki Axis decentralized STP
For decades India has been facing severe water crises due to the increasing population and growing water demands. Now the rising water scarcity in India has accelerated the use of treated waste as an alternate option to fulfil the water demands.