Daiki Axis is helping India meet its SDG-6 goal

Despite significant progress in extending access to safe drinking water and sanitation, billions of people still lack these essential services, particularly in rural regions. One out of every three people in the world does not have access to safe drinking water, and two out of every five people do not have access to a primary hand-washing facility that includes soap and water.

Daiki Axis India and NTPC

NTPC strives to use wastewater to maintain sustainable eco-systems by reducing waste and reusing treated wastewater at its power plants.
NTPC has always taken a proactive approach to environmental issues, including the use of cutting-edge technology and contemporary environmental friendly approaches.

Daiki Axis India and Fatehabad

Haryana has the third-highest annual groundwater withdrawal in the country, at 137 per cent of its annual extractable groundwater resources.

The depletion of the water table has been a matter of great concern for most of Haryana’s districts. Contaminated water is a bane for the Haryana state, with approximately 60% of Haryana’s groundwater being untreated and unfit for human consumption.

Daiki Axis and DDA Parks

Parks are recognized as effective tools for strengthening urban communities and local economies. Rising levels of population, increasing urbanization, and fast-moving industrialization have led to an overburdening of the wastewater problem in India.